Gmail security: Enable https setting

Accessing Gmail from a public place like a cyber cafe or via any other non-secure Internet connection like a public wireless or non-encrypted network can be very risky and vulnerable to hijacking. Accessing mail from non-secure networks can be very risky and anybody can easily impersonate and gain access to your Gmail account which may contain sensitive data like bank statements, credit card details etc. For security purposes, Google recommends Gmail users to select the "Always use https" option in Gmail in non-secure connection networks. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is a secure protocol that provides authenticated and encrypted communication.

You can enable this feature by logging into Gmail.
1. Click to "Settings" at the top of Gmail
2. Set "browser connection' to 'Always use https'
3. Click Save Changes and reload Gmail.

Note: By choosing the 'Always use https' option you will not be able to log in via HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol). This will make your Gmail a bit slower also. You can change the setting anytime, whenever you are satisfied with your network security.
Other Post- GMail Labs- Send SMS Text Messages to U.S. Phones from Gmail>>


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